
standing all alone on a plain with rows of cotton as far as i can see
the horizon is littered with dying plants with waves of grain
where the land meets the sky my eyes betray me
i see the wolves start to pour in
and feel them tear
me apart

between the rows of cotton i find the corpse of a child torn to shreds
bite marks dot their body up and down their legs and stomach
the way the wolves dot the land surrounding me
i can see them coming i feel it
i know what will happen
but i'm helpless

there is nothing i can do to stop the inevitable from occurring in my life
it is a train gathering speed going in one direction without regard
to whether i want it to continue or not i'm helpless
i can't even fulfill the role of conductor
i'm simply a passenger
resigned to fate

all i can do is just lay my head down and try to give my racing brain a rest
try to realize that i have no control and come to accept it as fact
so i lie under the covers trying to shield myself from life
i want to be as insignificant as a fly on the wall
with no care for anything
or anyone

but i can't.

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