

i spent a summer, thrown back into my house
after the first year gone, i returned, different and the same
i realized it is okay to disappoint others as long as you make yourself happy
who should care about the rest
drinking up the lights in my life which for a year had been
covered, turned off, burned out, 300 miles away
their light strong enough still to reach me, but not to keep me warm
their thoughts reached out to me and met mine in the middle
so being back in their presence i can't drink enough
there is no such thing as spending too much time doing something you love
and just because i don't love what others love doesn't make it less worthwhile
my passions lie elsewhere, with people, not with machines, not with technicalities
but with writers, musicians, authors, poets, dancers, humanists
who can still love rationalism, reason, and logic, without sacrificing their own thoughts
their own feelings their own desires
and don't allow them to be governed by others
they throw out the external locus of control in favor of one
that is internal, bound by themselves only
this internal limiting factor is far better than an external one because
if you only rely on yourself, you never think "life's not fair"
if you don't like something you should change it
this is me changing what i don't like
in myself.

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