

a lot of people my age have a problem concerning their futures: they don't know what they want to do or where they want to go because they are not interested in anything (cameron fry's "nothing *shrug*" reply to the question "what do you like" comes to mind). as i get nearer and nearer to beginning senior year, and as i get older, today turning 17, i turn my thoughts to this but i find that my biggest problem is quite the opposite: i am interested in everything. since i learned to read, i have routinely read four or five books at a time at all times. this has created an all consuming desire to learn, inherited from my father, that has made me very interested in lots of subjects; politics, literature, music, science, medicine, society, anthropology, engineering, mathematics, history, psychology, business. i can see myself pursuing a career in any of these. i guess this problem is easier to have than the negation because pretty much no matter what i do, i can find a way to be happy with it. but it creates much conflict and confusion in me. hopefully, through the course of the next year, i will be able to narrow this down to something manageable. i want to write, live, sing, be active, change, change others, live, breathe, make others happy, be happy. i hope i can find some happy medium for all of my desires.

1 comment:

finijo said...

I like that you realize that you are at a point in your life when you can actually choose to be anything you want. As you get older, the options are not as varied (for a variety of reasons). I just want to point out that you actually have a vocational counselor in your life (in case you want to bounce any ideas off of her :)