since it came out on september 11, i have been listening to strawberry jam by animal collective a whole lot. i really dig the sense of community coming from the band, being a group of four guys who just like to make music together. they are wholly original and amazing. for reverend green, fireworks, winter wonderland, and peacebone.... all truly amazing songs.
i dunno... they just really appeal to me right now. lyrically they are outstanding. musically they are groundbreaking. i can really think of no artist to compare them to at all but i have greatly enjoyed listening to them. the first time i heard them was in 2005, when a friend burned the previous album, feels for me. i was immediately taken with grass and the purple bottle and have since learned to love the album in its entirety. it is poppy without being unoriginal, groundbreaking without being unaccessible. i then began to hunt down every piece of music these guys have ever created, hearing their almost spiritual sounding campfire songs and loving it, as well as their other releases. panda bear, the drummer/keyboardist/singer/lots of other stuff also put out an album of brian wilson inspired songs entitled person pitch that is equally as good while being amazing in its own way. if i could recommend one band to you who you may never have heard of before, it would be animal collective.
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- *Tue, 15:46*: RT @RexChapman: Greatest video of all time…
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